My fiancé doesn’t want me. His excuse is that he’s tired and not a very sexual person. Yet, after his last relationship in three months, he slept with at least sex women (before me, none of my business and didn’t want to know but my daughter showed me texts and all daddy’s gfs on an old phone). But he had lied to me and said he didn’t get intimate with just random women. I forgave him but our sexual life stayed the same.
I struggle with self-esteem and I'm feeling rejected. I held on hoping for better but never got better. He blows his lid over nothing, ends it with me and jumps right into sleeping with two women while we are apart. Comes back says he’s sorry, and I forgive him because I love him. Think things will get better sexually. Nope. Rarely touches me. Same excuses despite me knowing as soon as we broke up and the short time we were apart he was sexual with two other women. I tell him it’s me, he denies it and gets mad when I point out if he didn’t want sex why was he having sex with one female after another as soon as we broke up? Help! Am I crazy? Would anyone believe he wants her when he doesn’t touch her but goes and has sex when he is not with her?
Basically that’s what he is saying to me – that he wants me but it’s all these reasons. Those reasons didn’t stop him with two random females when we were apart. And to add insult to injury, he treats me like I’m so stupid that I will believe he wants me when he never shows it. I don’t know why he’s with me. Help me please! Am I wrong to not understand his logic or reasoning? Because it seems like bs to me.