Menu Relationship issues
“My husband is obsessed with his family!”

We've been married ten years and we have two kids. My husband spends all his free time with his family. On his way home from work he passes his brother, mother, and sister's house and every night has to stop and see them. He should be home by 5 but misses dinner and time with our kids because he shows up at 7 or 8. He doesn't work on the weekends but ALWAYS makes plans to do something with his mother, sisters or brother.

His mother is not married and obese and needs help with everything. His sister has two-year-old twins and is seven months pregnant with no BF or spouse and lives with her mother as well. They ask him for help with everything and he will drop everything to go help them. I can beg him for weeks to help me with a project and it still never gets done. Even if they don't need anything he still has to hang out with them every weekend and most week nights.

I like his family but I want OUR family to have some quality time alone! It's to the point that I get extremely angry when they invite us for a BBQ or birthday party or just to come over. I've begged him for alone time, he makes me feel like I'm being selfish because they need his help. It's been like this for years. Six months ago I filed for a divorce assuming he can't possibly love me - he does nothing with me. He begged me to take him back for three months, he wouldn't eat or sleep and lost sixty pounds... I dropped the divorce. We talked a lot about our problems during that time and I thought things would change.

I found out on Facebook today that he's volunteered to refinish all the furniture for his sister's babies' room this weekend! Last weekend was spent painting his other sister's new house. I don't know what to do anymore, we fight whenever I bring it up he says I'm being selfish. I want to tell every family member to leave us alone and find their own husbands... but there will still always be a BBQ or Birthday party anyways that we have to attend! I can't stand it anymore I want time with my family!

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