Menu Relationship issues
My boyfriend doesn't find me as interesting anymore

Hi, sorry this is kind of a long post. I started dating a guy in April and I just want to mention, this is my first real relationship, so I really do not know what I should expect from it. To start, the first two months were great, he was very enthusiastic and eager. He would initiate a lot of dates back-to-back. He was very sweet and caring. I want to note when we just started going out, we had a conversation where he mentioned that he gets bored fast (be it with people or situations).

Around June I started noticing that he initiates less and less, I’m the one who texts first, who asks him out, when we're in a group of people (my friends, his friends, strangers during a festival), he doesn't really talk to me. Even when I am active in the conversation, he does not pay attention to what I say as much and mainly talks with the other person/people. I brought this up, saying that I feel like he doesn’t like me as a person and is not really interested in me, in what I have to say. He told me that it’s partially true, in that he spends a lot of time with any person he loses interest in a way, and it’s not an issue with me specifically. He said, that despite that this the happiest relationship he has been in so far, where he consistently feels better, while his other relationships had very drastic ups and downs and that’s what kept him interested in them.

Somehow, I thought “yeah, alright if he’s happy that’s great” and we carried on. He started asking me out on dates a bit more frequently, and I always have a great time with him when we’re alone. But again, when we’re in a group of people he mostly forgets about me, just occasionally comes, gives me a kiss or a wink and then goes back to other people. As he says, he prefers talking to new people because him not knowing them makes them more interesting automatically.

We’re about to go to a big festival in a few weeks (some of my friends will join as well) and I’m worried that he will ignore me again. I like spending time with my friends, I do not need him around all the time, but just knowing that I have bored him hurts so much, I have a hard time enjoying the events we are at together. I am not sure if I am being clingy and overthinking this, or if this is it for the relationship. I have some of my own issues and insecurities when it comes to romantic relationships and how I feel about myself, so don’t know if me being upset is reasonable.

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