I've been with my partner only two years and have had a baby together (six months old). I understand having a baby probably changes things sexually, but I'm not convinced that's all it is here. I've been through his search history loads of occasions and know he watches porn now and again and it really fucks me off. Not because I have a problem with it because I don't – I enjoy watching porn too – but want it to be something we do together or even he does when he's putting out even.
But no! I can instigate sex and he just acts like he's not interested all the time. In fact I'm always the one that does, never him. He's not very affectionate towards me and just shuts off when I try to talk to him about it, does not say a word. Doesn't assure me he's happy with me or anything.
This morning I was wandering around naked, then in underwear for a good hour. I could tell he was playing with himself under the covers and had a look on his face like I might actually get lucky, but no. I started to get bored of him ignoring me as he always and popped downstairs for five mins as soon as I was gone. He watched porn on his phone and had a wank. WTF. For me, physical contact is a must and I can enjoy porn and masturbating all day long but. on its own, it's just not satisfying enough.
I'm so sick of feeling hurt and upset and betrayed. I'm far from perfect but I'm not that bad. I am a confident person generally, not easily threatened by other females, but with my partner now I just feel I'm not good enough for him. He seems so much more interested in any other girl except me. And it's tearing me up inside. I feel mugged off and don't really understand why he's even with me really.
Just to make clear, I'm very open about how I feel. I've said on so many occasions I'm happy with him watching porn but feel uncomfortable when he doesn't want sex with me and does it behind my back. I've said I'd like to watch it with him but get the feeling the reason he doesn't want to is because he's watching girls that are nothing like me?
The fact he goes silent when I ask any questions about it drives me mad and the saying "silence speaks a thousand words" is so very true, I believe. I just don't know what to do? I have tried every possible way of talking it over but he just won't have it. I've tried ignoring and not letting it get to me in case I might seem a bit needy and I've tried being upfront and to the point, but nothing's working.
The problem is I feel like I want to go elsewhere to get my satisfaction. Every woman needs to feel wanted and I don't at all. I've never felt so low about myself in my life and it's not because I'm unhappy with me – it's the way he is with me. I was in a 12-year relationship before this and never once had a problem like this. I just don't know how to deal with it other than end it. Or go elsewhere so I can give him a massive 'fuck you' as he clearly doesn't care enough about my feelings to even try to resolve this?
I just want people's opinions. Am I being over the top or am I absolutely right to feel this way? And how do I deal with it? And him? Please? I feel a bit pathetic but I can't stop thinking about it and can't even bring myself to go anywhere near him any way as I do feel like he's cheating on me almost.