Menu Relationship issues
Is he being too demanding?
I had a baby a month ago. My partner had 2 weeks parental leave but during that time he was dealing with family issues so I was on my own a lot. I tried to be ok with that but obviously was very emotional. During that time he repeatedly told me he needed time for himself, that he needed to go to the gym and have time to be ok. All I thought was what about me, but I didn’t want to be selfish so I agreed that he needed time for himself. He has since gone back to work and is picking up extra shifts causing him to be out of the house a lot. He is now telling me that he’s lonely and wants to spend time with me but I’ve always got a baby in my arms or I’m cooking or washing up. He tells me that he’s lonely and he wants me to be there to fix it. I don’t know how to do everything. I need him to be available and support me to be able to be intimate with him but if I say that I’m just making the situation about me. Is he being too demanding or am I in the wrong? What can I do to make things better? I love him and I just want to be close to him.
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