Menu Relationship issues
“My boyfriend is bisexual and into transgender”

I was in a two-year relationship with a man that I loved and still love. We were happy together, however he wasn't into me sexually. He had sex in the past with trans women but he wanted to have heterosexual relationship. I was all the time worried he might want that back. Shortly after our breakup for something very silly, he had sex with trans w. When I collected my stuff from his house, he wanted me back, wanted having sex with me. I refused it because of what he has done.

Now there are five months since our break and I miss him. He is occasionally seeing a girl from university and also he is seeing men to have sex. He said he is missing me sometimes as well. I know it is a stupid question but I want him back and I know it's wrong but I really do miss his company. I can't stop thinking of him, does any one think there is a chance for our relationship?

How can I stop feeling for him? I hate myself for being emotionally so weak and wanting him back while he is dating different people... I think I need therapy. Can someone help me?

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